Factors to consider when renting office space for a startup in Manhattan

There are several factors to take into consideration when searching for an office space to rent for one’s startup in the Manhattan area of New York. Furthermore, if the wrong space happens to be chosen, the consequences can be severe and business will have a much more difficult time to prosper. These are just a number of reasons as to why choosing the right space is crucial and could determine whether or not one’s startup ends up succeeding in the long run.

This is arguably the most (if not one of the most) important thing to take into account when picking the ideal office space. Everyone, whether that be an employee or a client, deserves to feel safe and secure in the environment that they are working in because if they do not, there is a chance that there will be less productivity overall. Even worse, however, is the possibility of employees and/or clients not even showing up to begin with if they feel their safety is compromised in any way, shape, or form.

The specific place one’s office space is at is also something worth noting when looking to lease an office space in Manhattan. This is because the site should be convenient as well as accessible for employees/staff as they will likely not be as interested in showing up if the commute from their homes takes a considerable amount of time. Additionally, in regards to safety as mentioned above, it also applies in this situation because a(n) dangerous/unsafe area will not be tempting to potential clients and thus could really slow down business.

Another factor to ponder about is the amenity when leasing an office space in Manhattan. While they do not necessarily have to be brand-new, they should at the very least be in a decent, usable condition. This is due to the fact that if they are on the older side and/or are not very well-maintained, they will repel both employees and clients alike. This then, in the long run, will prove to be a liability for one’s startup.
Technological capabilities/infrastructure

The next factor to consider if one wishes to lease an office space in Manhattan includes the technology and its capabilities/infrastructure. This is especially important as nowadays internet/Wi-fi is essential in some way or another to run and maintain just about any kind of startup. Furthermore, if a stable form of internet connection and/or Wi-fi is not fully reliable, difficulties are practically bound to happen and things will not be able to run smoothly (if at all).
The actual space itself

While this one may seem a bit too obvious and perhaps even counterintuitive, the space one decides to lease is no less worth talking about than any of the other factors mentioned here. This is because too little of a space can prevent the startup from truly expanding and pushing its limits, while too large of a space can serve as a waste of money if not used for any sort of purpose. Therefore, getting just the right amount of space necessary is crucial and could mean all the difference for one’s startup.

Going back to commuting, the issue of parking remains yet another matter that requires thinking about if one wants to lease office space in Manhattan since employees and clients alike will more than likely arrive by car. Parking in certain lots requires payment a good majority of the time and is very rarely free, which is why having a solid parking situation is key. Additionally, the fee for parking itself is not usually cheap in any way, either. This is all the more reason to do research on the parking situation near the startup and doing one’s best to make sure that it is readily available.
Value received for money/price

Last but not least, ensuring that one gets the appropriate value for the amount of money they are paying in order to lease the office space in Manhattan is of utmost significance. This is due to the fact that there is always the possibility of finding similar spaces around the area, but for a much more reasonable/cheaper price. A good way to get a better idea of whether or not one is truly getting the most for their money is to search up other spaces nearby and do a comparison.